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Talk:Patrol chess

Talk:Patrol chess

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WikiProject Chess (Rated Stub-class, Low-importance)
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Old talk[edit]

Could someone put the a-h,1-8 things on the image (and any similar images...) - I'm not a regular chess player, and they help me visualise these things. Or I could do it myself, I guess. Martin 15:03, 1 Sep 2003 (UTC)

I've added coordinates as ChessBase spits them out (ChessBase is the prog that I made the diagram with) - I don't know if they're too small or what. Is that the sort of thing you meant, anyway? I won't be adding them to all diagrams though - there are just too many and it's too boring a job (I also find them a bit distracting, even at this tiny size) - but I'll include them in any others I upload if they're useful. --Camembert
Yep, that's exactly the thing. Still, if you and others dislike them, it's no huge deal. :) Martin 21:13, 1 Sep 2003 (UTC)

External link had unstable anchor[edit]

Unfortunately, name anchors in CCM fairy elements index are unstable, they change each time new index is generated. I hope to change compiler of indices and later to make the external link here more precise (and stable). Ruziklan 21:51, 7 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Ah, that's a shame - I'll cut the anchor from the link for the time being so it just points to the letter page. Are the anchors in the the Themes index also unstable? I think there are a few articles which link to them. --Camembert
Yes, shame on me. All anchors are unstable as they are generated by the same code. Simplest possible in the time of coding, I knew about unstability but I did not bother as anchors only served for moving within one index page. Now, when something from outside tries to link into indices, well, I have put that quite high on my CCM To Do list. I know how to solve it, but it takes some time. I'll let you know. Ruziklan
Thanks very much. It's a great website, by the way - I've spent many pleasurable hours exploring it. --Camembert


OK, Patrol Chess is not in the second edition of Pritchard, at least not under that name.

But I'm wondering if it wasn't dropped because it isn't a playable game. Since a piece has to be protected to give check, a king can move to squares where it would normally be in check. That is going to make checkmate difficult. Bubba73 You talkin' to me?

Yeah, here's the entire Pritchard (1994) entry:

Patrol Chess F. H. von Meyenfeldt (1975). Problem theme. To capture or give check, a piece must be 'observed' (guarded) by a friendly piece.

In Beasley's intro (second paragraph), he pretty much makes clear that it was dropped, and why.
The EL on problems indicates it's an active theme for compositions. There are articles on Helpmate, Selfmate etc., so it seems the article could be retained also on basis it is problem theme. Maybe the article s/b edited to emphasize it's a theme, not variant. (Wasn't aware the article existed until yesterday!) What do you think? Ok, Ihardlythinkso (talk) 18:20, 27 June 2012 (UTC) p.s. And also removed from article Chess variant (of course).
Well, it is referenced, so it is OK. But I wondered if anyone plays this game. It is going to be pretty hard to force checkmate. Bubba73 You talkin' to me? 19:43, 27 June 2012 (UTC)


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